Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What is a Core Belief Balance?

The Core Belief Balance is an effective way to discover and change "core beliefs" that may be blocking you from achieving your desired goals in life.  The balance includes thirteen pairs of belief statements that represent such basic, vital issues as self-love, forgiveness, connection to Divine Intelligence, etc.  The balance is divided into five main parts: Discovery Process, Change Process, Ecology Check, Integration Activity, and Celebration.  The subconscious mind often selects this balance when the system is ready for broad foundational change in a short period of time.

This balance is typically used once without a specific goal.  This balance is done lying on your back.
The balance usually takes 1.5 to 2 hours.

I will be offering Core Belief Balances this 
Sunday, April 24th, 2011.
Location:  Harmony-Balance Studio - Austin, TX
Cost: $99 (Reg. $200)

You must call and register for a time slot:


To prepare for the session, drink LOTS of water and write down your intentions for the session...the direction you want to go in your life...


Linda's Psych-K sessions are powerful, insightful and amazing. Her clear intelligence combined with her ability to communicate what is going on below the surface of my awareness helps me understand myself and my situations much better. She provides useful practical advice along with the powerful processes of Psych-K to help me move in my new direction.   G.E. - Austin

Many healing blessings!



  1. Thank you for share your content with us. It's very important for many people know about psych-k.

    Simone (
